How Fashion Can Empower Women

Fashion, for better or worse, has always been around in the lives of women. Even if we don’t follow the trends closely, our purchases are still influenced by what designers put in the stores, and most of us tend to admire those ladies who seem to have figured out how to dress well. We see them and we think about how confident and beautiful they are, wishing we knew their secret. Well, the fun things is, the secret is simple—they enjoy fashion. It’s as pure and simple as that. To a stylish woman, fashion is both a tool and a form of art, and the biggest reason she understands it so well is because she allows herself to enjoy it. She shapes it according to her own strong will and makes every garment work to empower her. This is something every woman can benefit from, and it’s something you yourself can learn.

If you’re interested in finding power in your own style, here are some tips that can help you out.

Always let your personality show through

Fashion is a good way to show the world what makes us tick. Having a defined style means knowing exactly who you are and taking great pride in your own personality and your own body. It’s not just about looking pretty—it’s about being aware of your qualities, your interests, your moral values, and knowing that they make you into a strong, unique individual. So, if you’re going to wear something, make sure it actually represents an aspect of yourself. If you’re very girly, then wear something feminine. Don’t be ashamed of pink things and don’t try to hide that bubbliness. Similarly, if you’re not very girly at all, then don’t feel forced to wear bright, flowery dresses. Choose your wardrobe based on the aspects of your personality you’re proud of, and you won’t go wrong.

Embrace comfort and practicality

When fashion is at its finest, it serves a woman’s purpose. Rather than attempting to turn a woman into an eye-candy for someone else, good fashion uplifts her, makes her feel powerful, and helps her brave all the difficulties she might face during the day.

If there’s one trend that you should take from 2019, it’s definitely comfort—the whole industry is shifting to make room for practical fashion, and we’re seeing a lot of old school styles that have already made a comeback. Those chunky Balenciaga sneakers are still topping the charts despite their distinctly unfeminine look, and gals are loving it. The point is, don’t be afraid to pick things based on comfort and practicality because it doesn’t mean they won’t look stylish as well. Some good basics like those retro Arizona Birkenstock sandals are a good example of fashion that embraces both feminine and masculine elements and that makes a huge statement when worn—you’re there to both look good and feel good. In fact, the whole athleisure craze is still going strong because it provides us with that much-needed practicality without sacrificing any of the style. It’s no wonder top models like Kendall Jenner and Hadid sisters are so obsessed with it.

Forget about satisfying someone else’s standards

Of course, we don’t live in a bubble, and we can’t ignore everyone around us. Having said that, stretching yourself to please others is a surefire way to a) please no one and b) end up miserable. As soon as you choose your wardrobe based on someone else’s opinion of what’s considered attractive, you’re basically throwing away its power to lift you up. Do you truly want to feel good in your own skin? Then trust your instincts and wear whatever you damn please.

Find your signature

Think of it as creating your own brand. Having a signature means being instantly recognized by certain things, it means being memorable and striking. And it can be anything—for example, a signature lipstick is a great way to feel bold and empowered, but you can also pick a certain color palette or a fashion decade as your inspiration. Maybe you’re always seen wearing a headscarf, or maybe you’re into hoop earrings, or perhaps you rock athleisure like no one else. Find something that you love, something that speaks your name and represents your spirit, and wear it often. Other people will notice and remember you by it.  

Always be bold

If you want to try something, then try it. Don’t tell yourself you’d look terrible in a pair of red boots or a shimmery dress until you’ve actually tried those things, and do your best to step out of that comfort zone. You won’t believe the kind of things you can discover about yourself if you just try to be brave occasionally. Remember, fashion is there to serve you, to make you happy, and to help you represent yourself in whichever way you want.


Let your creative juices flow! Wearing clothes that we like empowers us because it allows us to be creative and to invest in ourselves. Don’t forget that fashion is there to be enjoyed, so embrace it and let it enrich your life.

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