Meet the wonderful Angelique Velez; she’s the beauty and brains behind the booming business Breakups To Makeup and our resident expert on all things love, sex, dating…and looking fabulous! Got a question for her? Follow @neverlikedit and @breakupstomakeup and ask away!
This week, our questions came to us from “Miss-Always-Texts-First”. I think we’ve all been in this situation one time or another.
Q: Is a guy really into me if I’m the one that always initiates the text messages? He always responds back right away but I always have to initiate it.
A: I think the real question here is are you really into him? He is obviously showing you that he is putting in “just enough effort”. By not initiating the texts, but responding right away he is still somewhat a part of your life, just enough so that he has you thinking about him. So once again, how much are you into him? We can throw the idea of full commitment out the window, let’s be real here, how likely is this to become a full blown relationship when he can’t even take the time to send a “good morning” text. With that being said the option of a friends with benefits or a sex buddy relationship are still in play. Seems to me that you need to decide what you want and if you even want him a part of your life at all. For a friends with benefits outcome give him the courtesy of at least 24 hours prior to inviting him out on a date or for the ever so popular booty-call make sure to send your text after 11pm of the same night. If you are looking to completely lose him, stop texting him. The ball is in your court Miss Always Texts First.