Coffee With Make-Up Artist Angelique Velez

This week, I chatted to the extraordinary, talented and visionary Angelique Velez. She started her business Breakups to Makeup in June 2013 to spread the message that makeup is more than just a product but also a form of art.  She believes that makeup is as a creative outlet to those that apply it and livens the spirit of those wearing it.  Angelique and her brand is for everyone: for the person whose heart was broken and buried themselves in the darkest of places, to the cancer patient who has lost all her hair yet finds comfort in that perfect shade of lipstick, to the person who has a genuine love for makeup.  Here’s what she had to say!


Why did you start your business?

As makeup artists, makeup is our form of art.  It is our outlet and our release.  No matter what we are going through in life it is the reason why we get out of bed.  Makeup is a true form of art that let’s us not only express ourselves, but also makes others happy. Personally, going through difficult times in my own life (ahem, a breakup), makeup literally saved me and served as my outlet to devote my time and energy.  Many people don’t understand that makeup to us is not “just” a product, but our creative outlet.  I wanted to spread this message in a quirky way, hence the birth of B2M.


The best gift you ever got…
I love thoughtful gifts.  This past Christmas my boyfriend made me two collages that he had framed, one of all things Breakups to Makeup and one that was more personal with family & friends. From a distance they look like hearts, but as you get closer you can see the intricate designs & they look like pieces of art. I love them.


The worst gift you ever got…
I had to think about this for a while, because for me a gift is a gift & as long as it comes from the heart it’s hard to constitute it as a bad, but I would have to say when you get something that is just not “you”. Like it’s as if the person doesn’t know you at all, it’s disappointing. For me it was when I was given a watch- it may have been expensive & designer- but I absolutely hate watches. I don’t like the feeling of them on my wrist & I hate knowing time (which is probably why I’m always late LOL). I got it for one of my birthdays & it just felt like the person didn’t know me at all which was so disheartening.


What’s your advice for all things love, sex and dating?
Follow your heart and trust your instincts. Sometimes it’s difficult because both don’t always agree. If that does happen don’t be so hard on yourself though. Our head and heart are at constant battle with one another, but I feel that whatever we go through in life we are meant to go through because each experience shapes us into the person we are meant to become. So just live, have fun & do whatever makes you happy!

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What’s your go to pick me up?
While growing up my girlfriends and I would make a cure all remedy of chocolate syrup & peanut butter whenever boys made us cry. That always helped! Now I just add a Sex & the City marathon into the mix & I’m all set!


Tell us about your first heartbreak…
That’s a hard one to describe as there is no other feeling like it, but it almost feels like getting drop kicked in the stomach. I didn’t see it coming (in retrospect I definitely should have), but it really is one of the worst feelings. One minute you are happy thinking you are going to be spending the rest of your life with this person & the next minute it is over and you feel lost. It’s almost like you don’t even know who you are and for me, who the other person is either.


Tell us about a time you Bounced Back better than ever!
Breakups to Makeup is the outcome of bouncing back. I developed the brand going through that breakup because makeup was the reason to get me out of bed & kept me going. It helped me to find myself again and I know it has that affect on others too, my goal is to spread this message and help others in the process.  Breakups are not easy, in any form and in life we go through so many of them; whether it’s with a significant other, friend, coworker, job, leaving home, etc, we all need help getting through and I want my brand to make the process a little easier :).


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