Found some text messages. Yada, yada, yada, he left me.
Married for 10, together for 12…out of nowhere, felt something was wrong with my marriage. Never felt that way before…but we had always prided ourselves on being honest (so I thought) and I brought it up, even asking if someone else was involved. Denial, of course. Find text messages, confrontation, he moves out. Turns out, it’s with a coworker of his, who’s almost 1/2 his age – and I’m old enough to be her mother (if I were into teen pregnancy). She leaves her fiancee, he leaves me. Who knows what’s happening, but I’m over it. Thing is, it’s not even about the cheating (oh, which BTW, was ok, because he didn’t sleep with her (cause oral doesn’t count) until after he moved out…good to know) at this point…it’s about the things he has said. Like, how I’m a “fucking bitch,” how I was never nice to him, what a terrible parent I’ve been to our pets (ok, say what you want about me, but leave the pets out of it!), how much better in bed she is than me…it’s just cruel. So fuck him. I don’t deserve it. And guess what, projection only delays the reality for him of everything he’s thrown away. Meanwhile, I’m doing my best to move on. It sucks and I’m so hurt and angry and shell shocked…but in the end, I know I will prevail. :)