I was in a relationship with a 30 year old (I’m 23). It was great at first, but long distance put a strain on the relationship, in addition to him being in the middle of a surgical residency. Eventually we broke up and I found out a month later he had been cheating on me with a girl in his hometown. The other night my best friend told me he’s now engaged to the girl that he was cheating with .. best part is, they’ve been dating for less than 5 months.
I had been dating a new guy for about a month and was really starting to develop feelings for him. I’ve never had so much in common with a person before. He had to cancel plans multiple times because of work. His boss is completely incompetent and always has Allan working late. The same night I found out about my ex being engaged, the new guy bailed on plans with my friends and I. The next day he texted me to tell me he didn’t think he could “treat me fairly” at this point in his life because he doesn’t have time for any type of dating right now.
Incredible timing.
I think it hurts the most because I still have in my mind that we were perfect for each other and that we should be together. I can’t tell my friends how upset I am because we were never officially boyfriend/girlfriend, so I’ll sound crazy.
I know it doesn’t matter either way at this point, but I would like to know whether the “too busy” excuse was legitimate or if he really just isn’t interested in me.