This is a cool bomber jacket from Pixar. It was given to employees only. Really cool jacket if you’re into Pixar. My husband works there and he decided to have an affair with his co-worker last year. During the whole time, our families got together – orchestrated by my husband. Our kids played together, we celebrated our kids birthdays, went on a camping trip etc. I tried to get to know her and although I felt uncomfortable with the amount of time they spent together, I dismissed my gut instinct as my own jealousy and tried to be her friend. She gave my kids hand-me-downs from her kids and apparently she had an extra one of these jackets. She gave it to me. I thought it was generous of her until I found out she’d been having sex with my husband for 10 months.
After “D day”, my husband chose to be with me and try to work on our marriage but I’m still deciding if being with him is worth it.
Asking $50 but will take a reasonable offer. If you purchase it, whenever you put it on, you can remember that you are both beautiful and cool because you have integrity – or at least more than the woman who gave it to me.
I’ll use the money to save up and take myself and my kids on a vacation.