Fox & Chave Silk Scarf
Van Gogh Sunflowers square
The National Gallery Logo
Material: Silk
Size: 80cm x 80cm
Note: the currency price is listed Price: £37.99 (pounds), was converted to US dollars.
Boy is a workaholic and travels a lot.
Girl waits patiently nearly 3 years while he figures things out.
Boy and girl date happily. Boy takes girl on trips, lavishes her with gifts when he sporadically decides to spend time with her.
The day before Valentine’s day girl asks,
“Will we ever move in together and get married?”
Boy- “I can’t give you that or be in a relationship.”
Here’s a gift he brought me back from an international trip. It’s beautiful; I never wore it, and I hate it. Cheerio!!
Go on a day trip with my teenage son.