I told you what you wanted to hear

The Gist...

dated a guy for 2 years and he gave me the “we need to be alone to work on ourselves so we can be together.

The Juice...

I was friends with a guy for almost 8 years and he was always a mess. I never thought I’d ever date him EVER. But two years ago he moved across the country for me and left everything he owned to be with me. (Romantic right?!) wrong! Should have been a giant red flag! He was like a completely different person and I thought he changed! Everything was wonderful for the first year! We were both on the same page with everything it seemed like! We both mutually agreed to not talk to anyone of the opposite sex (meaning friends of any variety via phone or social media.) At first I thought it was weird that he requested that but then I thought ok, how would I feel if he was doing that to me? Anyway, year one goes by and he changes into a completely different person! He’s shady and constantly on the phone and seems indifferent towards me! He has A LOT of emotional issues on top of not finishing school and having a shitty job. (I paid for everything and let him live with me for free basically) again, my mistake! We are both creative types and he was insanely passionate about his art as am I, but I decided to help him and focus on his career instead of mine so he could get more established. He grew astronomically with me all the way around. However, the more he succeeded, the more distant he became, and the more I became insecure and needy and tried even harder to help him and not focus on myself. (You know, the viscous cycle) Eventually, after having a giant fight (him screaming at me in public for literally 0 reason *anger issues like you wouldn’t believe) he told me that for the first full year he was only “telling me what he thought I wanted to hear” and then told me that we were breaking up because “we both need to be alone to work on ourselves so that maybe we can be together again later.” And “I want to be friends I couldn’t stand not having you in my life!” And “I’m DEFINITELY not trying to date anyone any Time soon!” Three weeks later I find out he was talking to SO many girls behind my back and is currently dating someone! I of course held up my end of the bargain and now I feel extra alone bc I wasn’t talking to anyone at all! Not only that but he left some of his stuff at my place and won’t pick it up and pretty much cut me off. I get not being able to be close right away, but wtf pick up your shit! I was destroyed for weeks and I’m finally starting to heal, and I’m realizing he did me a favor!
Mood: Heartbroken



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