We were in a long term relationship, he was totally “the one” even after his addiction spiraled out of control. I got him to rehab out of state, was supportive, he turned out to be really selfish, immature and ungrateful. Typical addict, I guess. When I went to visit him his psychiatrist pulled me aside and told me to GTFO- for my sanity, my safety and everything else. I had to find my way home on my own because I’d driven down with his parents – who I could no longer stand to look at. In the airport I got a phone call that I’d nabbed an interview for a job I really wanted – so I got my ass back home, nailed the interview, and per the shrink’s advice – I haven’t looked back. Well, not that much. Maybe a little.
Okay, lies- it’s been really hard. I’ve written a lot of brilliantly angry essays about it, though!