4 Ways to Make Money And Move On!

The end of a relationship will undoubtedly leave you with some free time. The person you just invested time—and often times money—into is not a part of your life anymore. The worst thing you could do is nothing. Staying idle after a breakup makes you seem unsure or, heaven forbid, sad your significant other is gone. There’s nothing wrong with a broken heart, but you don’t deserve to stay there.

Picking up some new hobbies and money-making gigs on the side will not only keep you occupied and distracted from your heartache, but it will also inspire your new beginning. Hey, making some extra cash while getting over that loser? Who wouldn’t be down for that?

Start Fresh

First things first, it’s time to get rid of the things he gave you. How can you move on with all of that stuff around you all the time?

If any of it is of value, it’s time to hit us up at Never Liked It Anyway and reward yourself with some cash. If you’d rather use a more boutique style website, do your research and find the best sites to sell used stuff online. Finding a reputable site you’re excited about using is worth it!

In addition to getting rid of the gifts he’s given you, go through your closet. The end of a relationship is the perfect time to get rid of clothes with bad memories and revamp your style. If you can’t sell your clothes online, (or just don’t have the patience,) find a local Goodwill or Habitat For Humanity and give to others by donating your old things. You’ll feel great about providing for others and refreshed in your own life with all the extra space!

Get Creative

Countless of artists swear that heartbreak produces the best art, so maybe now is the time to dust the cob webs of that right brain. Invest in a cute notebook or sketchpad, colored sharpies, pencils and maybe even a canvas or two for paint. No reason to hold back! What else have you got to lose?

Art is subjective, so if you’ve never gotten creative before don’t focus on making anything perfect. Do what feels natural and fun for you—whether it be word art, abstract paint, sketching or even just blending colors. Thinking creatively is a good way to find out more about what you like and are drawn too. Date yourself for a while, and try new things on your own!

Monetize your creativity by making an Etsy account. Use your new art skills to design greetings cards, or print word art on mugs and T-Shirts. You never know until you try, and designing an account and filling orders is fun and exciting.

A Girl’s (True) Best Friend

If you’re looking for a time sucker, animals are the way to go. Ever consider adopting a dog or cat? Animals provide the emotional support you need when embarking on a new stage of life and getting over an ex. You never want to be in a position where the only shoulder you can think to cry on is the one of the guy who just broke up with you. No, ma’am, you need a new best friend.

If adopting an animal isn’t the kind of commitment you want to make right now, consider fostering, or working for a pet sitting business! Walking dogs is great exercise, provides you with time around the positive energy of an animal, and is an easy way to make money on the side!


The easiest way to feel better is by helping others feel better. To quote Saint Francis of Assisi, “It is in giving that we receive.”

Time Magazine stated that “The Secret to Happiness is Serving Others” in 2015, and they might have been on to something. See for yourself and pick a day of the week or a few hours after work to volunteer at a place of your choosing. Whether volunteering on a disaster relief effort, food bank, animal shelter or daycare, you will feel satisfied and fulfilled with the time you’ve dedicated to making the world a better place.

So be sure to better your life by starting fresh, getting creative, appreciating nature and giving back. Your new life is just beginning, and there’s no harm in making a little cash on the way, too!

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