There’s absolutely nothing wrong with receiving gifts on Valentine’s Day. You might even give a gift back or come up with some other way to show that special someone you love them. But year in, year out, this starts to feel a little stale. It’s customary for women to receive chocolates and flowers on Valentine’s Day in America, but that’s not how the rest of the world does it. So if you’re tired of the traditions, were’s a little look at other countries and how they celebrate the big day of love!
In Japan, it’s the other way around: women gift men chocolates on February 14th, and the men wait for a special day a month later (March 14th) to return the gesture. It’s a whole holiday dedicated to women being bold and confident! And well, we’re into that.
South Korea
It’s a similar tradition here, except they have yet another holiday a month after March 14th (April 14th), which is to celebrate all the single people that didn’t get anything on Valentine’s Day. Single friends get together and toast to their independence with traditional foods. Food, drinks and single friends? Sounds like my kind of party! Seriously, we should start this in America.
This is a little kooky and we like it. Here, men send women love letters or poems anonymously, and if the women guess correctly, they receive an Easter egg (it’s a tradition to collect eggs on Easter in Norway) from the men who sent the letters. If they guess incorrectly, they owe the men eggs. Sounds like a fair game!
February 14th in Finland is more of a celebration of friendship than anything else, and friends usually get together to exchange gifts and cards. So be like the Finnish and love your mates. They’ll be there through it all, after all.
If you’re wondering what France, home of the language of love, is up to on Valentine’s Day, they’re just like America. They used to have a tradition in which they would burn photos of those who rejected them, usually chanting or cursing, but that was banned for obvious reasons. Besides, we know a better place to get rid of your relationship baggage!
So if you’re thinking you’d like to switch it up this V-day, try out another country’s tradition. Whether you’re single and ready to celebrate friendship or want to make the first move in your relationship, own it! Although, you may want to reconsider trading Easter eggs. Perhaps something a little naughtier?