Interview with New Author Lily Temperley

This week, we got to chat with Lily Temperley – the first time author and hear her bad ass and brave story. Her book, Sex Lies & Banking is making big waves as it reveals her real-life 50 Shades of Gray affair with a powerful businessman. What started out as a fun affair quickly became a sordid tale of a controlling sadist. Lily’s account is honest, empowering and her bravery in sharing her story is highly commendable. Here’s what she had to say about all things love, loss and moving on!
What do you do and why do you do it?
I currently work for a Financial Services firm. I do it because it supports my lifestyle. I travel a lot for business and pleasure and I can afford to indulge my shoe and handbag addiction!
What’s the best gift you ever got?
The best gift I ever got… that is a hard one as I have been spoilt many times with fabulous things. I think my favourite gift is an antique sliver matchbox holder with my initials on it. I put it on a belcher chain and wear it as a necklace. It is probably not worth much but is from the 1900s and holds massive sentimental value because of who gave it to me and how thoughtful the gift was. I just got a pair of 20th anniversary Louboutins for my birthday which are pretty awesome 🙂
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What’s the worst gift you ever got?
An ex bought me a pair of python skin boots. I love the boots and had coveted them in the store before we broke up. I think it is the worst gift as I didn’t want them from him but felt I had to accept them and now I don’t wear them as they remind me of him! Maybe I should list them on this site!!
What’s your advice for all things love, sex and dating?
I think it is so important to follow your heart. I spent a lot of time worrying about whether men liked me and would they ask me out on a second date… when if I stopped to think about it I didm’t fancy them that much so it was more an exercise in seeking external validation. You need to love yourself before you can really be loved by anyone else. As soon as I remember that and am kind to myself I attract the type of man I want to be with. With dating, it can be very hit and miss. I think with all things in life, it is important not to take anything too seriously. Have fun!
Finally, with sex, there is so much judgment around this… many woman struggle to draw a line between sex and love and this leads to attachment which can be detrimental to one’s self esteem and ultimately unsatisfying. Again, have fun, go easy on judging yourself and listen to your intuition. Usually early red flags will turn into screaming alarm bells so don’t ignore them!
What’s your go to pick me up?
Shopping! Retail therapy always makes me feel better. Even window shopping can improve my mood…
Tell us about your first heartbreak…
I am a hopeless romantic so it was the first guy I ever kissed.It didn’t go anywhere but I was young and had a mega-crush on the guy. I see him now many years later in my Facebook feed with his receding hairline and wonder why I ever thought he was hot!!
Tell us about a time you Bounced Back better than ever
The time in my life now… I am feeling very content with who I am and smile thinking about the experiences that I have had. It is nice to know that any feelings of regret have evolved to understanding the lessons learnt. Maybe I am finally becoming an adult. Scary to think…

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