If a guy is doing these 7 things, he probably wants you to chase him

Sometimes, a guy might do things that leave you wondering if he wants you to chase him.

In dating, actions speak louder than words, and there are certain behaviors that may suggest he’s looking for you to make the first move.

So, whether you are just starting to date or are in the middle of a complicated relationship, this guide is for you.

Here are the seven signs that a guy probably wants you to chase him. 

1) He’s playing hard to get

It’s not just women who play hard to get.

Men do it too.

When a guy wants you to chase him, he won’t make everything easy.

He’ll give you enough attention to keep you interested, but not so much that you feel secure.

This push-pull dynamic is designed to create intrigue and make you want him even more.

It’s like a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, where he is the elusive mouse, and you are the curious cat.

While it can be exciting, remember that relationships should be built on mutual respect and not games.

So, if he continues this way for too long, consider whether he’s really worth your time.

2) He’s always “busy”

In my own experience, I’ve found that when a guy is trying to get you to chase him, he’ll often claim to be “busy” a lot.

Let me share a personal story.

I once dated a guy who was always talking about how swamped he was with work.

He’d mention offhand how he was working late, had an important meeting, or was under a lot of stress.

At first, I sympathized with him.

But then I noticed a pattern.

Every time we were supposed to meet, he’d cancel at the last minute, citing his busy schedule as the reason.

But here’s the thing – even though he was always “busy”, he kept contacting me.

He’d send me texts and call me, keeping the connection alive.

It took me a while to realize it, but he was trying to get me to chase him.

He wanted me to keep trying to make plans and vie for his attention.

3) He talks about his future

When a guy wants you to chase him, he might start talking about his future, both near and distant.

He could talk about his career aspirations or where he envisions himself living in a few years.

He might even drop hints about wanting to settle down or start a family someday.

You might wonder why he’s sharing all this with you.

Well, it’s part of his strategy to make you envision a future with him.

When we imagine a future with someone, we are more likely to pursue a relationship with them.

It creates a sense of connection and fosters feelings of intimacy.

4) He’s all about the chase

This one might seem a bit obvious, but it’s worth mentioning.

Some guys just love the thrill of the chase.

When a man is interested in getting you to pursue him, he may deliberately create situations where you feel compelled to chase him.

For example, he might initiate a conversation with you and then suddenly go quiet, leaving you wondering what happened.

Or he might make plans and then cancel them at the last minute, making you feel like you need to work harder to see him.

This behavior creates an air of unpredictability, which can make the thrill of chasing him even more enticing.

But while a little bit of excitement can be fun, constantly having to chase someone can be exhausting.

Make sure it’s worth your energy.

5) He’s elusive about his feelings

Have you ever been interested in a guy who is hard to read?

I have.

I remember a time when I was attracted to this guy who was always vague about his feelings.

We’d spend hours talking, laughing, and sharing stories, but when it came to discussing how he felt about me, he’d become elusive.

He’d dodge my questions, change the subject, or give noncommittal answers.

It was like trying to catch a fish with bare hands.

Slippery and elusive.

It was only later that I realized he was doing this intentionally.

By being vague about his feelings, he kept me guessing and intrigued, leading me to chase him even more.

So if a guy is being elusive about his feelings, it might be a sign that he wants you to chase him.

6) He’s hot and cold

Have you ever felt like you’re on a roller coaster with a guy?

One minute he’s showering you with attention, and the next, he’s distant and aloof.

This hot-and-cold behavior can be confusing and frustrating.

But it can also be a tactic used by some men to get you to chase them.

By being inconsistent with his attention, he keeps you on your toes.

You’re left wondering what you did wrong or how you can get back in his good graces.

This uncertainty can lead you to chase him in an attempt to regain the “hot” phase of his attention.

7) He values your independence

This is perhaps the most important signal of all. If a guy sincerely appreciates and encourages your independence, it could be a sign that he wants you to chase him.

He might compliment your strong personality, support your ambitions, or admire your self-sufficiency.

This isn’t just flattery; it’s his way of acknowledging that you’re perfectly capable of making the first move.

So, if a man treasures your independence and sees you as an equal, take it as a sign.

He might be waiting for you to chase him, appreciating that you’re a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.

The heart of the matter

Unraveling the threads of human behavior, especially in the arena of romance and relationships, can be as complex as it is fascinating.

At the heart of these behaviors, one element remains consistent – our desire to connect with others.

This connection, whether we are the ones being pursued or the ones doing the pursuing, forms the crux of our romantic interactions.

When a guy wants you to chase him, it’s not always about power or control.

It could be about vulnerability, a desire for affirmation, or even a test of interest.

What’s important is to remember that every action communicates something.

If a man is exhibiting these signs, he might be inviting you to take a more active role in shaping your relationship.

But ultimately, whether or not to pursue him is your decision.

And that decision should be based on respect, mutual interest, and the potential for a meaningful connection.

After all, in the dance of love and relationships, it’s not always about who leads and who follows.

It’s about moving together in harmony towards something beautiful.

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