I sat down to chat with the extraordinary MYNXII White. She’s a beauty editor, a creative director and a make-up artist. There’s actually nothing she can’t do!! If you’re looking for some style inspiration, check out her kick ass talents here. She’s the ultimate creative and visionary, and is out there making it happen.
Why do you do what you do?
I’m living my dream, and I never forget just how lucky I am to be able to wake up every day creating all the strange things I see in my head. I get to bring my dreams to life and create images that tell stories. I make things people remember.
What’s the best gift you ever got?
I know this may sound silly, but the simple gift of flowers is always my favorite. Always so happy and beautiful, just one small bouquet can bring so much happiness to a room.
What’s the worst gift you ever got?
An ex boyfriend bought me a honing pigeon. It was mean, messy, and smelly. I’m a huge animal lover, but this one was horrid! I don’t know what he was thinking.
What’s you advice for all things love, sex and dating?
I think you should always have hope for a happy ending. You should never lose your childlike optimism for love. Everyone is the one, until they’re not. Instead of becoming hard and jaded, it’s better to continue to be kind and grow from each experience.
What’s your way to make a move?
Honestly? I’m terrible at this kind of thing. My go to move is a comment on Instagram. I’m the worst!
Tell us about your first heartbreak…
I was cheated on many times by the first man I thought I was going to marry. I was way too young, and was weak then. I put myself in a place I thought I couldn’t get out of. One day I decided I had enough, and was packed and out the door by the time he got home. It was hard to recover from, but I learned what I knew I didn’t want in a relationship and got much better about seeing red flags. My tolerance for bullshit is pretty low now, and I have so much more respect for myself. It’s an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything else.
Tell us about a time you Bounced Back better than ever…
Breakups are hard. Whether you are in a short relationship or a long one, no one begins a romantic partnership with the anticipation of an ending. Every time a relationship ends, I throw myself into my work. I give myself one night to cry and be sad, then it’s right back to work work work. Success is always the best revenge, and I make it my priority to win that game. It may not be the healthiest way to move on, but it’s what works for me, and pushing myself to be the best in my industry is never a let down. Energy is energy, and I make a point to channel it in a positive direction.