9 Things to Put on Your Bucket List When You’re Single

Whether you just got out of a relationship or you’re not interested in looking for one, everyone eventually faces a time in their life when they’re single. You might have people try to push you back into the dating world, but that doesn’t mean you have to! Plenty of people have fun and enjoy new life experiences while they’re single, and more importantly, because they’re single.

The best way to find yourself in similar shoes is to make a bucket list. Instead of writing things down like getting a home or moving to a city, write a list of things that are designed specifically for you. Not sure what a single’s bucket list would look like? Read on for some inspiration, and then go ahead and start your own. You may end up checking things off your list sooner than you would have imagined.

Go See a Movie Alone

It can take people their whole lives to get up the courage to see a movie alone. Ever wonder why that is? There’s no reason to avoid the movies when you’re by yourself. It can be much more enjoyable. You’ll be able to really lose yourself in whatever movie you’re watching. Plus, there won’t be anyone trying to talk to you while it’s playing or pulling you to see something else instead.

Put Together New Furniture

Look at what you’d like to purchase in the future and see if there’s any furniture on it. A coffee table or bookshelf could be exactly what you’re looking for. A common problem that people face when they’re alone is that there’s a lot of empty to time to fill. Get yourself your dream furniture and take an afternoon to put it together. Before it arrives, make sure you have the right tools, and then enjoy making something that will last through plenty of future life phases with loved ones and family.

See Another Country

Something you might have heard before is that while you’re single, you should travel. It’s the best time to see the world because you’re not tied down with any responsibilities except your job. If this sounds right up your ally, you may want to consider taking a cruise. Cruises allow you to travel the world as well as check off other bucket list items that pertain to travel; like camping on a beach or swimming with dolphins. For a fixed price, you’ll get food, lodging and a way to travel to the most amazing places. Go on a trip with your friends for some extra fun!

Take a Road Trip

The more people that get added to a road trip, the more complicated they become. You have to plan for bathroom breaks and throw in places that everyone wants to visit. If you go by yourself, you can be in and out of anywhere you want to be. See unique museums or spend hours shopping at a new mall. Go to a restaurant that’s wildly different than what you’re used to and don’t worry about making reservations. Road trips are a great way to vacation while you’re single, so you can see everything you want to see in the way you want to see it.

Start a New Job

When you get a significant other, there’s someone depending on you. That dependence grows as you have kids or get pets, which makes it risky to get a new job or switch careers. If it doesn’t work out, you have more responsibilities to think about. While you’re single, take time to think about if you want a different career or a new job. Now is the time to make that leap, since it’ll be easier to depend on your savings if things go south for a bit.

Go Back to School

Anyone who’s spent time at any level of school knows that the longer it goes on, the more time consuming it becomes. If you go back to school to get your bachelors, masters or beyond, you’ll need to be able to have time to yourself to focus on your classes. Being single is the best time to do that! You can work at your job and spend as much time as you want at night on assignments without splitting your time up between a significant other and your education.

Volunteer in Your Community

Volunteering is a fantastic way to get to know people near you who care about the same things you do. Do a quick search for volunteer opportunities in your area. You can reach out to whoever is coordinating the event so they can hook you up with things like a Facebook group. You can meet people who will be going so you know someone to hang out with. You’ll leave feeling like you’ve made a difference for people in need and in your own life.

Learn a New Skill

Ever wanted to learn how to bake? Maybe you have a secret interest in learning how to program computer code or fix a car. While you’re single, part of your bucket list can be learning a new skill. You can spend all your time focused on it and not be worried about any embarrassment that might come while you’re learning something new. Who knows, that skill might lead you to meet people who could become a big part of your life later on.

Host a Singles’ Night

Most singles’ nights are hosted with the intent of helping people meet other people they might want to date. Instead, flip it around and host a singles’ night that’s just about having fun. Have people over for dinner and a movie or arrange a night out on the town with your best friends. As long as you’re having fun together, it’ll be a successful bucket list accomplishment!


Sometimes when you’re single, it can feel like there’s nothing to do, but that’s not true! Plenty of people make a bucket list specifically designed for them while they’re on their own, and you can do that too. Think about going on a cruise or taking a road trip. See everything that interests you and learn something new. Anything you enjoy will make a great bucket list item that you can use to really love your experience as a single person.

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