Evil ex wife rears her ugly head

The Gist...

We were inseparable. Then his ex wife found out about us and lost her mind. She swore she’d break us up.

The Juice...

I dated a musician for almost a year. We were inseparable. Life was great. He came to my family holidays. We spent time with each other’s kids. As a musician, we spent a lot of time in bars. Socializing, networking, drinking. I learned really quick he was fond of drinking. I let it go because when we were together the world just felt right. His ex wife of 3 years tormented him and used the kids as a pawn to get what she wanted. She threw him in jail because he didn’t pay his child support causing him to lose his job. On a daily basis she would text hI’m calling him a loser, an asshole, worthless, and even more. She even text his mother telling her he was a terrible father that he probably leared this from his own terrible father. Now mind you his father passed away 2 years prior and that man worshiped his wife, loved his kids, and hated her with a passion. Fast forward a few months later her kids confessed that I was in the picture. That I had spent New Years with them and my daughter was a part of their lives now. She lost her mind. Called me a million names in the book, not ever meeting me. She told him she was going to supervise his visitations from now on bc she didn’t trust him to not have me there. So she brought an air mattress and slept in the living room of his house. She told him she was going to split us up and make his life miserable. She started asking if he wanted her to spend the night or not WITHOUT the kids. Trying to get him to cheat on me. She’d come over to “talk about the kids” and they’d go shopping and out to lunch. The more she came around the more he distanced himself from me. I tried to hold on. After a month of no sex I knew we were hitting a rock. He told me the passion was gone and he felt like we were friends. I broke up with him. I was devestated but I felt I had no choice. His drinking got out of hand, he was lying to me, spending more time with her. Not two weeks after we broke up I wanted to try and talk it out. But she had already made her way into his bed. They were back together. I still don’t understand how you can let someone back into your life after they treated you like she did and most importantly someone who contacts your mother and insults your dead father. I will never understand how he could love her and not me. BUT I learned what I deserve and what I dont. And although it hasn’t been but a few months I have found the man of my dreams. My best friend for 12 years has broken the friendship zone. I have never been happier and most importantly he is not a musician or a lying/cheating alcoholic.
Mood: Grateful



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